Eisenhower-Johnson Memorial Tunnel Resurfacing

Project completed

About the Project

The Colorado Department of Transportation and contract partner Brannan Sand and Gravel, of Denver, CO, are pleased to announce the completion of the Eisenhower-Johnson Memorial Tunnel Resurfacing Project. This project improved driving conditions and safety along this 2.26 mile stretch of I-70, including asphalt removal, asphalt paving, concrete improvements, utility repairs and roadway re-striping.
The project team would like to thank all stakeholders for their patience during construction.

Project Facts

  • Cost: $5.2 million
  • Contractor: Brannan Sand & Gravel
  • Timeline: April to October 2020
  • Location: I-70, Eisenhower-Johnson Memorial Tunnels in Clear Creek/Summit Counties

Work Schedule

  • Work is complete

Traffic Impacts

  • No further traffic impacts