I-25 Rockrimmon Bridge Maintenance & Preventative Work
Project Facts
- Timeline: March 2018 - March 2019
- Cost: $12 million
($5 million funded by the CDOT Bridge Preventative Maintenance (BPM) Program)
- Contractor(s): Ralph L. Wadsworth Construction Company, LLC.
- Location: between the Garden of the Gods Road exit and Woodmen Road on I-25 (The main area of work consists of the Rockrimmon-Nevada interchange complex, constructed in 2007.)
In March 2019, CDOT completed this project, for which crews extended the life of a bridge and its driving surface near the I-25/Rockrimmon-Nevada interchange. The work was part of the ongoing CDOT Asset Management/Bridge Preventative Maintenance Program, which aims to extend the lives of the state’s bridges to 75 years.
Crews also widened I-25 to the median, in line with future improvements, and to provide a safe area for stranded vehicles.
Work Completed
- upgraded 10 bridges by replacing expansion joints and waterproofing membrane, and overlayed the road's surface with new asphalt to protect and extend the life span of the bridge decks
- replaced concrete panels where needed along I-25
- paved the road and concrete bridges with asphalt to improve ride quality
- upgraded guardrail, restriped and widened shoulders
- added a right-turn lane at the northbound I-25 off-ramp to Woodmen Road (Exit 139) and traffic turn lights
- repaired the auxiliary lane at the crescent-shaped crack of northbound I-25, south of the Rockrimmon Boulevard exit
Which Bridges Were Affected?
- Northbound and southbound Mark Dabling Bridge
- Northbound and southbound Rockrimmon Bridge
- Northbound and southbound Monument Bridge
- Northbound and southbound Nevada Bridge
- Northbound Mark Dabling Off-Ramp Bridge and Southbound Mark Dabling On-Ramp Bridge