Flood Damaged Fence Repairs

Project completed

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Construction is complete as of August 2015.

Damage Overview

During the flood event, rushing waters carrying debris damaged sections of Right-of-Way fence and guardrail along segments of the following CDOT roadways: US 6, SH 7, I-25, US 34, US 36, SH 52, SH 55, SH 59, SH 60, SH 63, SH 66, I-76, US 85, SH 93, SH 119, SH 144, SH 157, SH 170, SH 257, US 287, US 385.  Efforts to repair this damage were separated into two phases: Phase I – Segments East of I-25, and Phase II – Segments West of I-25.  

Emergency (Temporary) Repairs

Temporary concrete barriers were installed along segments of SH 7 and SH 119 for safety purposes.  Some areas of barrier were replaced with guardrail during Permanent Repairs. 

Permanent (Long-Term) Repairs

Permanent repairs included removal of damaged sections of fence, removal of temporary concrete barriers, installation of Right-of-Way fence, installation of guardrail, and re-vegetation.  

Estimated Timeline

  • Phase I – Segments East of I-25

    • Project Completed Winter 2014 - 2015
  • Phase 2 – Segments West of I-25
    • Project Completed Summer 2015

Estimated Budget

  • $1 - $4 million (Combined Phase I and II)


The permanent repair phase increased safety to drivers by both limiting animal access to roadways and preventing vehicles from running off the road in dangerous areas.