Denver Metro Traffic Signal Improvements
Project Facts
- Cost: $2.9 Million
- Contractor: Sturgeon Electric
- Timeline: March to January 2022
- Location: US 285 (W. Hampden Avenue) and CO 88 (S. Federal Boulevard), CO 177 (University Blvd.) and Otero Avenue at MP 0.13 and C 470 and S. Kipling Parkway at MP 12.45.)
About the Project
The Colorado Department of Transportation and contract partner Sturgeon Electric Company are pleased to announce the completion of the traffic signal improvements project which took place at the following intersections:
- US Highway 285 (W. Hampden Ave.) and CO 88 (S. Federal Blvd.) from mile point 285.06 to MP 285.07
- CO 177 (University Blvd.) and Otero Ave. at MP 0.13
- C-470 and S. Kipling Parkway at MP 12.45.
Work included replacing 30 year old signals with newer signals and Microwave Radar Detection equipment, rebuilding traffic signals including reconfiguration of signal heads, adding right turn lanes and updating curb ramps to meet ADA standards. The new ramps are in compliance with the Public Right of Way Accessibility Guidelines (PROWAG) requirements and will provide functional accessibility to all travelers using our state and US highways.
The upgraded signals and addition of the right turn lanes will improve safety by providing better signal timing and traffic flow for the traveling public.
Additional work included the removal of existing curb, gutter and ramps, construction of new median islands and new signing and striping at all intersections.