CO 71 Bridge Replacement between Rocky Ford and Hawley

About the Project

The Colorado Department of Transportation, in cooperation with TLM Constructors, will begin work on a structure south of Rocky Ford on CO Highway 71. Work on the bridge replacement will start on Feb. 8 and continue until May. This work will require a full road closure at Mile Point 10.71 of CO 71 over the Rocky Ford Highline Canal. Motorists are encouraged to detour onto County Road 18.

The project will consist of one bridge replacement, bridge rail and guardrail replacement and roadway reconstruction for the bridge approach. This project will benefit motorists by making the bridge safer and improving the driving experience.

Project Facts

  • Cost: $5 Million
  • Contractor:  TLM Constructors
  • Timeline: February 2021 - May 2021
  • Location:  Between Rocky Ford and Hawley in SE Colorado, Otero County

Detour Map

Proposed Work Schedule

  • Work on the bridge replacement will start on Feb. 8 and continue until May.
  • This work will require a full road closure at Mile Point 10.71 of CO 71 over the Rocky Ford Highline Canal. Motorists are encouraged to detour onto County Road 18.

Traffic Impacts

  • Bridge closure throughout the duration of the project.

  • Motorists are encouraged to detour onto County Road 18.

  • Work will begin Feb. 8 and is expected to be complete in May.

  • Work will take place from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday