CO 66 Intersection Improvements in Northeastern Colorado

Project complete

About the Project

CO 66 at Weld County Road (WCR) 7 and WCR 13 Intersection Improvements. This intersection improvement project includes two intersections. The traffic signal systems at both intersections will be replaced. Work at WCR 7 will also consist of adding a northbound left turn lane, and overlaying the entire intersection including new lanes a development is adding. The work will consist of minor earthwork, hot mix asphalt (HMA), traffic signals, bored conduit, signing, striping and traffic control.

Project Benefits

  • Upgrades improve traffic flow for motorists and enhance pedestrian safety at crosswalks
  • A new, smooth surface element that could be encountered by pedestrians that may cause trips or falls
  • The new signal system is being installed to accommodate future widening of both CO 66 and the Weld County Roads (WCR 7 & WCR 13)

Project Facts

  • Construction Cost: $2.3 million
  • Contractor: Brannan Sand & Gravel
  • Timeline: October 16, 2023 to end of May 2024
    (Delay due to weather-related winter closures)
  • Location: Intersection at CO 66 and WCR 7 along with the intersection at CO 66 and Colorado Boulevard
    • Nearest Town/City: Outside Longmont
    • Mile Point(s): 41.36 to 45.10
    • County: Weld