CO 64 Resurfacing in West Rural Meeker

Project completed

About the Project

In June 2020 crews will begin this resurfacing project west of Meeker.  Work will consist of hot mix asphalt (HMA) overlay, rumble strip installation, new guardrail, bridge deck repairs, striping, drainage improvements, sign installation, and erosion control.

Project Facts

  • Cost: $4.4 million
  • Contractor: United Companies
  • Timeline: June to October 2020
  • Location: CO 64 West of Meeker

Proposed Work Schedule

  • Monday through Friday 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.

Traffic Impacts

  • The Meeker west rural resurfacing project will begin on Colorado Highway 64 at Mile Point (MP) 43, east of Rangely, and will continue for 18 miles to MP 61.
  • Motorists can expect east and westbound one-lane alternating traffic, 20-30 minute delays, 35 mph speed limit, and 10 ft. width restriction during hours of operation.