CO 172-Becker Street Intersection Improvements in Ignacio

Project completed

About the Project

The Town of Ignacio is the Local Agency lead and working in conjunction with the Colorado Department of Transportation on a full movement intersection project at CO 172 (Goddard Avenue) and Becker Street in Ignacio. The project will include the construction of a new signalized intersection and with ADA ramp improvements. Short Elliott Hendrickson (SEH) is the Town engineer and completed all the designs and construction specifications with assistance and approval from CDOT staff. The project has been awarded to Morton Construction, Inc. of Pueblo, Colorado. This intersection had been identified in the Ignacio Corridor Access Plan (ICAP) as needing a full movement intersection when traffic warrants were met, and a traffic study was completed and confirmed the need.

This intersection serves all of the Ignacio School District Schools and Sports and Administrative facilities, and both entities are fiscal partners on the project. The intersection will see the installation of signal poles, mast arms, signal heads, conduit, electrical cabinet and controllers, and detection controls. There will also be curb, gutter, sidewalk and ADA (American Disabilities Act) compliant curb and ramp improvements in the vicinity of the intersection.The intersection improvements will provide improved vehicular movement through the intersection and access to Becker Street particularly during peak traffic volumes that can cause congestion. The project will also provide much needed signalized pedestrian access to allow for better control of those walking or biking through the intersection. The new signal and intersection improvements will make the road safer for pedestrians and the traveling public.

Work Schedule

  • The project has an anticipated start date of June 1st and completion date in September 2021. Hours of Operation are Monday through Friday, 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.

Traffic Impacts

  • Motorists can plan for shoulder closures, intermittent single lane closures and lane shifts, and may
    experience after-hour work in order to avoid peak travel periods.
  • Pedestrians can expect sidewalk closures.
  • Traffic control will be present to guide motorists and pedestrians.

Project Facts

  • Contractor: Morton Electric, Inc.
  • Timeline: June to September 2021
  • Location: Intersection of CO 172 and Becker Street in Ignacio