CO 145/US 160 Cortez, Dolores, Rico Heater Repave
Project completed
Project Facts
- Cost: $6.2 Million
- Contractor: Oldcastle SW Group, Inc.
- Timeline: March to October 2021
- Location: CO Highway 145 (MP 8.9 to 13.2) through Dolores; CO 145 through Rico (MP 45.7 to 48); US 160 south of Cortez (MP 34.4 to 37.55); US 160 on the east side of Cortez (MP 38.5 to 41.5)
About the Project
The project included a resurfacing method called heater repave treatment, which heats, mixes and recycles the top 1.5 inches of existing asphalt (laying it back down) and follows up with 1.5 inches of new asphalt.
The work also involved planning the asphalt along the gutter edges and across the full roadway width along certain roadway segments to create a smoother driving surface. Some of the ADA* curb ramps were removed and replaced through Cortez, Dolores and Rico, at a total of 16 intersections. (*Americans with Disabilities Act).