CO 74 Rockfall Mitigation

Project completed

About the Project

CDOT and contract partner Midwest Rockfall Inc. are pleased to announce the CO 74 Rockfall Mitigation Project is officially complete, and CO 74 is open to the traveling public. There will be no further traffic impacts along CO 74 related to this project.

Since the project began in September 2020, crews have scaled more than 6,000 tons of rocks in Bear Creek Canyon. Crews have also installed new rockfall mesh and other rock reinforcement to enhance safety for motorists and cyclists along CO 74 with a goal of preventing roadway damage or unexpected closures caused by a natural rockslide. Any areas of the road affected by scaling efforts have been patched to repair potholes. In addition to enhanced safety, the historical aesthetic features of the canyon have been preserved. Motorists and cyclists can continue to safely enjoy the beauty of Bear Creek Canyon.

Project Facts

  • Cost: $2.9 Million
  • Contractor: Midwest Rockfall Inc.
  • Timeline: September - February 2021
  • Location: CO 74 between Morrison and Idledale (Bear Creek Canyon)

Proposed Work Schedule

  • Project is complete. 

Traffic Impacts

  • No further traffic impacts