CO 65 Mesa North Resurfacing

Project complete


From March 27 to Sept. 13, 2017, six days ahead of schedule, crews resurfaced Colorado Highway 65, east of Grand Junction within the Plateau Canyon and the Grand Mesa. Work included replacing and treating a 25-mile stretch of CO 65 between mile points (MP) 36 and 61.

Three Maintenance Methods

  1. Asphalt overlay
    Work extended from I-70 through the town of Mesa, covering the roadway between MP 48 and MP 61.4.

  2. Chip seal
    Crews extended the life of the asphalt by patching and sealing cracks in the road from MP 36-48.

  3. Milling and overlay
    This work, in the town of Mesa, ensured the finished surface matches curbs and other roadway features. Crews also upgraded curb ramps to be compliant with the Americans with Disabilities Act.


  • Installed and replaced guardrail
  • Added new, ADA-compliant curb ramps in the town of Mesa
  • Replaced the surface in the town of Mesa
  • Added new roadway striping
  • Repaired a bridge near the intersection of CO 65 and 45 ½ Road

Project Facts

  • Cost: $5.4 million

Project Team

  • Contractor(s): Elam Construction