CO 392 Resurfacing Lucerne to Briggsdale

Project Complete

About the Project

From April 2017 through spring 2018, crews completed full-depth reclamation, surface improvement and asphalt overlay on Colorado Highway (CO) 392—from south of CO 14 (MP 141.5) in Briggsdale to Weld County Road (CR) 59 (MP 125.9).

Crews started the full-depth reclamation operation near CO 14 and headed south to approximately CR 82, where a surface improvement and asphalt overlay operation will began, heading south to CR 59 (MP 125.9).

Project Facts

Cost: $6.9 Million

Improvement Area: CO 392 between mile points 115.5 and 141.5 in Weld County

Contractor: Martin Marietta

What's Full-Depth Reclamation?

Full-depth reclamation work involves pulverizing the existing asphalt, processing the asphalt in place for use as road base, and compacting the surface. Traffic was allowed on this temporary surface for up to five working days until the asphalt road was completed.