CO 145 Highway, Safety and Drainage Improvements, Telluride to Placerville
Project completed
About the Project
The Colorado Department of Transportation and contractor Oldcastle SW Group, Inc., began a project on April 27 to improve the surface, drainage and safety of 12.75 miles of CO Highway 145 between Telluride and Placerville. The work zone starts at mile point (MP) 71.51 (Society Turn in Telluride) and extends northwest to MP 84.24 (junction of CO 62 at Placerville).
The project involves the following work:
- Nearly 13 miles of asphalt overlay along the full project length, including a thin layer applied for surface ‘leveling’ along the new passing lane project section (MP 73.9 to 75.1) completed in 2019
- Extensive drainage work to mitigate flooding through the area; crews will upgrade four additional culverts to improve debris flow, located at MP 77.11, MP 78.04, MP 79.98 and MP 80.2 - see location map (11 structures were upgraded during the 2019 project)
- Intersection improvements at CR 58P in Sawpit to include shoulder widening on CO 145 for safer turning
- Guardrail replacement and/or adjustments along the full project length
- New pavement markings
Project Facts
- Contractor: Oldcastle SW Group, Inc.
- Timeline: April 2020 to September 2020
- Location: 12.75 miles of CO Highway 145 between Telluride and Placerville
Traffic Impacts
Through the project’s completion in September 2020, motorists can expect:
- Single-lane, alternating travel through the work zone/s during daylight hours, Monday through Friday.
- Weekend work is not anticipated, though may be possible, if necessary to expedite the project’s completion.
- There is the possibility of a 10-foot width restriction during work hours (check weekly updates at
/roadWork) . - Please avoid distractions as you travel through the work areas and go “Slow for the Cone Zone!”
For updated lane closure reports on this and other projects across the state, please visit