CO 266 & CO 71 Bridge Replacement North of Rocky Ford
This project will consist of reconstructing three bridge structures: two along SH 266, and a third along SH 71. The existing bridge structures, all located north of Rocky Ford, are considered structurally deficient and functionally obsolete.
FASTER – Funding Advancements for Surface Transportation and Economic Recovery – is funding this project. Financed by vehicle registration fees, FASTER established a Statewide Bridge Enterprise, funding the maintenance and repair of Colorado’s most urgent structurally-deficient and functionally-obsolete bridges. CDOT has also applied for an Every Day Counts grant for this project.
This project will be delivered using a Construction Management/General Contractor (CM/GC) mechanism. A CM/GC project begins with the selection of a design team: the owner (CDOT) brings on a design Consultant to initiate design, and shortly after that (no later than 30% design completion), a Contractor to help finish the design. The Contractor assists in the design process by providing constructability reviews and value engineering and providing a guaranteed maximum price (GMP) for the proposed work. These Consultant and Contractor have separate contracts with the owner (CDOT).
This project should be completed using Innovative Accelerated Bridge Construction – possibly utilizing the sliding bridge method.
Structure L-22-E is currently located on SH266 over Fort Lyon Storage Canal, and structure L-22-O is currently located on SH266 over Holbrook Canal; both structures are located between mileposts 2.63 and 2.66 on SH266. Structure L-22-K is currently located on SH71 over the Fort Lyon Storage Canal, around milepost 19.26. These structures will be demolished, rebuilt and assigned new structure numbers. Traffic detours will be necessary for the construction.