State Freight and Passenger Rail Plan (March, 2012)
CDOT’s Mission is “to provide the best multi-modal transportation system for Colorado that most effectively and safely moves people, goods and information” and we cannot do this without input from our Stakeholders. With the help of CDOT’s public and private stakeholders and the cooperation of the Federal Railroad Administration, CDOT began the task of developing Colorado’s first statewide passenger and freight rail plan in January 2011. This plan will provide guidance for investing in future rail needs and present ways to enhance passenger and freight rail development to support economic growth and environmental sustainability. The DRAFT Vision developed for the State Freight and Passenger Rail Plan is shown below:
The Colorado rail system will improve the movement of freight and passengers in a safe, efficient and reliable manner. In addition, the system will contribute to a balanced transportation network, coordinated land use planning, economic growth, a better environment and energy efficiency. Rail infrastructure and service will expand to provide increased transportation capacity, cost effectiveness, accessibility and intermodal connectivity to meet freight and passenger market demands through investments which include public-private partnerships.”
The finalized plan will fulfill the requirements of the Railroad Safety Enhancement Act of 2008. In addition to meeting the Federal requirements, this plan will be integrated into the Statewide Long Range Multi-Modal Plan. Several Tasks related to this project have been completed and the anticipated completion date for this study is January 2012. The cost for completion of this study is approximately $782,000.
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The Colorado State Freight and Passenger Rail Plan was officially adopted by CDOT Transportation Commission on March 22, 2012. The adopted Plan will now be submitted to the Federal Railroad Administration for their approval. The final State Rail Plan document is now available here.