Phase 3: Southwest Quadrant Improvements | US 6 & Wadsworth Boulevard (Project Complete)
About the Project
Phase 3 focuses on improvements in the southwest quadrant of the US 6 and Wadsworth Boulevard interchange that enhance pedestrian connectivity and mitigate traffic noise.
Improvements will include:
- Installing noise walls along the frontage road south of US 6 between Meadowlark Drive and the Wadsworth Boulevard off-ramp
- The noise walls will be 10 feet minimum tall (from finished grade of US 6) between Carr and Wadsworth and 12 feet minimum tall (from finished grade of US 6) between Meadowlark and Carr.
- The noise walls will have a concrete guardrail on both sides to protect the wall from errant vehicles.
- Realigning a portion of the southwest frontage road
- Adding an auxiliary lane along eastbound US 6 from the Carr Street on-ramp to the Wadsworth Boulevard off-ramp
- Adding a detached 10-foot-wide multi-use path on the west side of Wadsworth Boulevard from just south of 5th Avenue to Highland Avenue north of the interchange
- Installing pedestrian crosswalks with flashing beacons at five of the on- and off-ramps
Project Facts
- Construction Cost: $11.7 Million
- Contractor: Kraemer North America
- Timeline: Late January 2024 to January 2025
- Location: US 6 & Wadsworth
- City: Lakewood
- Mile Points: 280.36 to 280.834 (US 6)
Mile Points: 12.21 to 12.66 on Wadsworth (CO 121) - County: Jefferson
Phase 3 Improvements US 6 & Wadsworth
Noise Walls
CDOT solicited public input to determine how the noise walls should look through a survey available on the project web page in late 2022/early 2023. The majority of survey participants were in favor of chiseled limestone. This treatment will be applied to the noise walls, in a light beige color with a dark brown stripe. This design will closely match the look of the walls located east of the US 6 and Wadsworth interchange. In locations where the new noise wall transitions to the existing wall (such as near Meadowlark Drive), the concrete barrier to be placed in front of the noise wall will also be light beige.

Following a traffic noise study, CDOT determined that noise walls are recommended in all four quadrants of the interchange to reduce traffic noise noticeably for approximately 380 residences. If approved by the majority of property owners and tenants who would benefit from each wall, the walls would be constructed as part of the Phase 4 improvements.
Traffic & Other Impacts
Motorists and area residents can expect the following impacts during the Phase 3 period of construction:
- Periodic overnight lane and ramp closures will exist on eastbound US 6 from Carr Street to Wadsworth Boulevard
- A 24/7 closure of the Carr Street on ramp to eastbound US 6 is in place until November, with detour signage routing motorists to Garrison Street, south to 1st Avenue and east to Wadsworth to access eastbound US 6 at the interchange
- Single lane closures on southbound Wadsworth Boulevard from Highland Drive to 5th Avenue from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. weekdays
- Intermittent block to block closures will exist along the Frontage Road from Meadowlark Drive to the interchange during construction of the noise walls, with minor detours to adjacent side streets
- The block closures will only exist during working hours Monday to Friday
- Other impacts include construction noise and overnight lighting
- Local access to driveways will be maintained
- Flaggers will be present to manage traffic flows, as needed
- Signs will be in place to alert the public to detour routes, closures, and restrictions within the work zone
- All construction schedules are weather dependent and subject to change
Work Schedule
- Work began in late January and is expected to last until Jan. 31, 2025
- Working hours are 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday
- Some overnight and Saturday work is expected later in the project