Phase 1: Wadsworth Boulevard from 10th Avenue to West Colfax Avenue (Project Complete)
Construction of the first project phase was completed in summer 2015 and involved widening a stretch of Wadsworth Boulevard, improving drainage, and increasing multimodal capacity between 10th Avenue and Colfax Avenue. Improvements included:
- Widening Wadsworth Boulevard from four to six lanes and providing concrete paving for three through lanes in each direction from just north of 10th Avenue to West Colfax Avenue
- Installing a signal meter at the 10th Avenue intersection and installed a pedestrian island at the northeast corner of the 14th Avenue intersection
- Adding a detached 10-foot-wide multi-use path on both sides of Wadsworth Boulevard
- Adding a center raised median for safer operations between 12th and 13th Avenues (with landscaping)
- Installing new curb, gutter, and storm sewer between 10th Avenue and 14th Avenue; and
- Adding a larger box culvert under Wadsworth Boulevard at 12th Avenue to improve drainage for Dry Gulch and reduce flooding