Advanced Guideway System (AGS) Feasibility Study

Study complete

About the Study

CDOT's Advanced Guideway System (AGS) Feasibility Study was completed in August 2014 and evaluated technology, alignment and funding/financing options to determine the feasibility of a high-speed transit system for the 120-mile segment of the I-70 Mountain Corridor from C-470 in Jefferson County to Eagle County Regional Airport.

The 18-month study began in April 2012 and incorporates recommendations from prior studies conducted in the corridor such as the I-70 Mountain Corridor Record of Decision (ROD), the I-70 Coalition Land Use Planning Study for Rail Transit Alignment Throughout the I-70 Corridor and the Rocky Mountain Rail Authority High Speed Rail Feasibility Study.

The intent of an AGS is to offer a new choice of travel and increase mobility, while also reducing congestion and improving safety by removing some portion of the automobile and truck traffic on I-70.

The three goals for the AGS Feasibility Study were:

  1. To assess the feasibility of potential technologies and alignments.
  2. To assess funding/financial options, including private investment incentives.
  3. To interface with the related transportation network, including existing and future highway system and transit connections.

These goals serve as a basis for determining which alternatives provide a cost-effective and safe high-speed transit system that meets criteria defined in collaboration with the technology and financing industries and with corridor stakeholders represented through a Project Leadership Team (PLT).

For access to the study findings and documents, contact the project manager.