Asset Management Performance Measures and Targets

Each of CDOT’s 12 asset classes must maintain a performance measure and target, per the Transportation Commission’s Policy Directive 1609.0.

These performance metrics help demonstrate the benefit of incremental investment and help implement CDOT’s Transportation Asset Management Plan (TAMP). The metrics and targets also help implement the Statewide Transportation Plan by informing investments in the Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) and CDOT’s annual budget. Targets are intended to be achieved within a 10-year planning horizon.

The list below displays key metrics and targets compared to current performance, for each asset class:

Key Asset Performance Measures and Targets


  • Interstate Pavement Condition in Poor Condition (FHWA)
    Metric: Percent of Interstate System pavements in poor condition, by lane miles.
    Target: ≤ 1% Current Performance: 3.3%
  • State Highway System Drivability Life
    Metric: Percent of state highway system pavements with high or moderate Drivability Life, by lane miles.
    Target: ≥ 80%. Current Performance: 76.0%


  • National Highway System (NHS) Bridges - Poor Condition
    Metric: Percent of total bridge deck-area in poor condition.
    Target: ≤ 5%. Current Performance: 3.5%
  • State Highway System Bridges - Poor Condition
    Metric: Percent of total bridge-deck area in poor condition.
    Target: ≤ 5%. Current Performance: 4.3%

Other Asset Classes

  • Buildings
    Metric: Percent of CDOT-owned buildings with a grade level of C or better.
    Target: ≥ 85%. Current Performance: 49.0%
  • Culverts
    Metric: Percent of culverts in poor condition (i.e., rating of 4 or less).
    Target: ≤ 5%. Current Performance: 5.5%
  • Fleet
    Metric: Percent of CDOT fleet vehicles beyond useful life.
    Target: ≤ 75%. Current Performance: 63.0%
  • Geohazard Segments
    Metric: Percent of geohazard segments with a risk grade of B or better.
    Target: ≥ 85%. Current Performance: 76.0%
  • Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) Equipment
    Metric: Percent of ITS equipment beyond useful life.
    Target: ≤ 90%. Current Performance: 83.8%
  • Maintenance Level of Service (MLOS)
    Metric: Overall MLOS grade for the state highway system.
    Target: B minus grade. Current Performance: B-
  • Rest Areas
    Metric: Percent of CDOT-owned rest areas with a grade of C or better.
    Target: ≥ 90%. Current Performance: 67.0%
  • Signal Infrastructure
    Metric: Percent of signal infrastructure in severe condition.
    Target: ≤ 2%. Current Performance: 7.0%
  • Snow and Ice Removal
    Metric: Level of Service grade for snow and ice removal.
    Target: B grade. Current Performance: A-
  • Tunnels
    Metric: Percent of tunnel-network length in passing condition (Draft metric)
    Target: ≥ 75%. Current Performance: N/A (Metric in development). 44.0%
  • Walls
    Metric: Percent of CDOT-owned walls in poor condition, by square feet. (i.e., rating of 4 or less).
    Target: ≤ 2.5%. Current Performance: 3.3%