Revitalizing Main Streets
About the Program
The Revitalizing Main Streets (RMS) grant program enhances active transportation safety and strengthens the connection of people to main streets and central economic hubs. The program encourages physical activity and enhances local economic vitality in towns and cities across Colorado through funding infrastructure improvements to make walking and biking easy, yielding long-term benefits that bolster community connections.
The successes of the Safer Main Streets program encouraged the idea of a statewide approach to activating active transportation in our downtown areas. Therefore, this program began as a part of Colorado’s COVID-19 Recovery Plan, with a $30 million allocation from the state legislature in March 2021. In June 2021, Colorado Senate Bill 260 provided $85 million in additional funding for the program over the next 10 years.
The goals of this grant opportunity include:
- Encourage active transportation and healthy lifestyles through improvements to the vitality of downtowns, mixed-use centers, and community gathering spaces;
- Support economic development and increase opportunities for businesses to thrive;
- Imagine innovative, community connecting uses of public spaces;
- Support community access to the right of way that safely accommodates all modes of travel; and
- Provide safe access to opportunity and mobility for residents of all ages, incomes and abilities, including vulnerable users.
We are awarding Grant Opportunity 2, Small Multimodal & Economic Resiliency Projects grants. The next deadline to submit applications is Wednesday, April 30th, 2025.
RMS Grant Opportunity 2 Application
Eligibility & Information
Applicants must be eligible to be direct recipients of federal transportation funds. These include local governments, CDOT and other governmental agencies. For more information, click the links below.
RMS Rules, Eligibility and Selection Process
RMS Program Frequently Asked Questions
Dates to Know
- Join via Open Office Hours Zoom
- Meeting ID: 837 8067 1406
- Password: RMS
Grant Awardees To Date
Learn more about the Revitalizing Main Streets grant awardees throughout the state by clicking on the dots on the map below.