Submit a Research Project

Thank you for your interest in transportation research. From this page, you can learn about and submit research needs and research ideas for consideration as CDOT research projects. This is known as a Problem Statement. CDOT seeks transportation research ideas from employees, universities, researchers, and the public, twice a year.

How to Submit a Research Project

Refer to the Problem Statement Frequently Asked Questions page to learn about Problem Statements and what is required to propose one.

Problem Statements on any transportation topic may be submitted. CDOT’s traditional subject areas are listed below. Most research projects fit in one or more of these categories. In addition, there are specific Areas of Emphasis that we are currently focusing on.

Traditional Problem Statement categories

  • Aviation
  • Bike and Pedestrian 
  • Construction Management 
  • Environmental 
  • Geotechnical 
  • Hydraulics 
  • Maintenance and Operations 
  • Pavement and Materials 
  • Planning 
  • Policy 
  • Structures 
  • Transit and Rail 
  • Traffic and Safety
  • Other

Areas of Emphasis

  • Construction Impacts on Air Quality
  • Post-Wildfires Effects - Debris Flow

Due Date

We invite problem statement submissions for the next fiscal year in February and August. The next Research Problem Statement due date is February 10, 2025.

Submitting a Problem Statement

If you are ready to submit a Problem Statement, here is the process: