Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP)
What is the STIP?
The Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) is a federally required, four-year program of planned transportation projects. Per the requirements included in the most recent federal transportation authorization bill, Fixing America’s Surface Transportation Act (FAST Act, 23 CFR 450), a new STIP should be developed at least every four years, containing a minimum four-year listing of transportation projects. Since 2016, CDOT has updated its STIP annually in order to always provide a full four-year plan of projects recognized by FHWA and FTA. This process allows for more flexibility in moving projects forward or backward to address shifting priorities or emergencies.
The STIP is developed in coordination with planning partners throughout the state through the Project Priority Programming Process (4P). The STIP incorporates the Transportation Improvement Programs (TIPs) from each MPO.
FY2025 to FY2028 STIP - Adopted May 16, 2024
The FY2025 to FY2028 STIP was adopted by the Transportation Commission on May 16, 2024.
The STIP and its relevant reports may be found through the links below.
- Executive Summary - DRAFT 2024-04-12
- STIP Development Guidance and 4P Process updated May 2022
- STIP Amendment Guidelines FINAL 12-28-2020
- STIP Reports
- Fiscal Constraint Report
- Added Completed Delayed-Discontinued Projects
- Public Involvement
- Acronym list
- Program Distribution
- Self Certification of the Planning Process
Current STIP Documents
- STIP Summary Report - Updated Weekly (Last Updated: 2-3-2025)
Developing the STIP
Project Priority Programming Process (4P)
The 4P guidance document provides a framework for the development and amendment of the Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) as required by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) for the programming of transportation projects allowed under the Titles 23 and 49 of the US Code. In Colorado, this process is a grass-roots effort that includes coordination and cooperation with 15 Transportation Planning Regions (TPRs), five of which are Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs). These entities, in turn, gather input from their local constituents so that the adopted STIP is the result of a grassroots effort and reflects the comprehensive needs of the broad public.
For more information on the 4P process, please see the 4P STIP Development Guidelines approved by the Transportation Commission.
Amending the STIP
The STIP is amended periodically to incorporate new projects and changes to currently programmed projects. This may be due to a variety of factors, including funding changes, changes to the project scope, or a change in priority requested by a TPR or MPO.
STIP Policy Amendments
STIP policy amendments are typically made for regionally significant projects requiring major scope changes or a re-evaluation of a NEPA document. Policy amendments may also be required for projects added or deleted from the STIP or an allocation change in pooled programs (e.g., Bridge or Surface Treatment) as a result of a Transportation Commission action. Policy amendments require a 30 day public comment period and approval by the Colorado Transportation Commission and FHWA and/or FTA. CDOT’s guidance on amending the STIP can be found here: STIP Amendment Guidance
Pending and Approved FY2023 to FY2026 STIP Policy Amendments
Administrative Amendments
Administrative amendments are typically smaller in scope and do not require approval by the Transportation Commission or FHWA/FTA. The need for an administrative amendment is determined through consultation between CDOT and the affected TPR or MPO.
TIP Amendments
Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) amendments are completed by the Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs). Once an MPO has completed its public review process and its respective Board has adopted the amendment, it is forwarded to CDOT for approval (as delegated by the Governor of Colorado) and then to FHWA and FTA for concurrence. TIP amendments can be found on the MPO websites linked below:
Denver Regional Council of Governments (DRCOG) TIP