Project Priority Programming Process (4P)

Per federal regulation 23 CFR 450.218, each State is required to develop a Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP). The STIP is Colorado's four-year, short-range plan for state and federally funded transportation projects. Colorado develops this plan in cooperation with ten rural Transportation Planning Regions (TPRs) and five Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs). These entities, in turn, gather input from their local constituents so that the adopted STIP is the result of a grassroots effort and reflects the comprehensive needs of the broad public.

The STIP is developed annually in order to always provide a full four-year program of projects. This allows for flexibility to move projects forward – or backward – as funding or priorities change. As part of STIP development, CDOT Regions meet with each TPR/MPO to discuss. project status, priorities, and proposed revisions to the STIP and/or long-range plan.

For more information on the 4P process, the 4P STIP Development Guidelines was approved by the Transportation Commission. For more information on the STIP itself, link to the STIP webpage.