STAC Members

Current Roster of STAC Members and Alternates

Denver Regional Council of Governments (DRCOG)

STAC Representative: Steve O’Dorisio, Adams County Commissioner

STAC Alternate: Greg Mills, City of Brighton Mayor

Central Front Range TPR

STAC Representative:  Dwayne Mcfall, Fremont County Commissioner

STAC Alternate: Leo Evans, Canon City Public Works

Eastern TPR

STAC Representative: Gary Beedy, Homestead Farms (STAC Chair)

STAC Alternate: Scott Weaver, Yuma County Commissioner

Grand Valley MPO

STAC Representative: Cody Davis, Mesa County Commissioner

STAC Alternate: Dana Brosig, Grand Valley MPO Director

Gunnison Valley TPR

STAC Representative: Vince Rogalski 

STAC Alternate: Roger Rash, Montrose County Commissioner

Intermountain TPR

STAC Representative: Brian Pettet, Pitkin County Public Works

STAC Alternate: Bentley Henderson, Garfield County Deputy Manager

North Front Range MPO (NFRMPO)

STAC Representative: Johnny Olson, Greeley City Council Member

STAC Alternate: Kristin Stephens, Larimer County Commissioner

Northwest TPR

STAC Representative: Brad Rome, Town of Fraser Public Works

STAC Alternate: Brian Cerkvenik, Town of Fraser Mayor

Pikes Peak Area Council of Governments (PPACG)

STAC Representative: Holly Williams, El Paso County Commissioner (STAC Vice Chair)

STAC Alternate: John Liosatos, PPACG Transportation Director

Pueblo Area Council of Governments (PACOG)

STAC Representative: Wendy Pettit, Pueblo County Planning

STAC Alternate: Dennis Flores, City of Pueblo

STAC Alternate: Eva Cosyleon, PACOG MPO Manager

San Luis Valley TPR

STAC Representative: Vern Heersink, Alamosa County Commissioner

STAC Alternate: Gene Glover, Rio Grande County Commissioner

South Central TPR

STAC Representative: Brian Blasi, South Central Council of Governments Executive Director

STAC Alternate: Vacant

Southeast TPR

STAC Representative: Ron Cook, Prowers County Commissioner

STAC Alternate: Stephanie Gonzales, Southeast Colorado Enterprise Development, Inc. Executive Director

Southwest TPR

STAC Representative: Heather Alvarez, Town of Mancos Town Administrator

STAC Alternate: Sarah Hill, City of Durango Transportation Director 

Upper Front Range TPR

STAC Representative: Kevin Ross, Weld County  Commissioner

STAC Alternate: Vacant

Southern Ute Indian Tribe

STAC Representative: Colton Black, Southern Ute Indian Tribe Acting Planning Director

STAC Alternate: Vacant

Ute Mountain Ute Indian Tribe

STAC Representative: Manuel Heart, Ute Mountain Ute Tribal Council Member

STAC Alternate: Bernadette Cuthair, Ute Mountain Ute Tribe Director of Planning