CDOT Planning Manual
The CDOT Planning Manual has been revised and updated to reflect recent changes in the field of transportation planning and policy. The purpose of the manual is to provide guidance and insight into how CDOT staff carries out its responsibilities using federal transportation planning funds. The working relationships between the State and Colorado's five MPOs and ten rural Transportation Planning Regions highlighted in this manual help promote efficiency and consistency across CDOT's many operations. CDOT Regional and Statewide planning staff may also use this manual as a tool in providing and maintaining a high level of customer service to CDOT's planning partners. The manual is a living document and will be updated as changes in legislation, planning tasks and guidance occurs. Examples of areas described in the manual include:
- Unified planning work program development;
- Financial management;
- Statewide Transportation Improvement Program;
- Congestion Mitigation & Air Quality Program;
- Regional and Statewide Long-range Transportation Plans;
- General information on MPO, State, and Federal organization.
CDOT Planning Manual