Mobility Data Integration
What is Mobility Data Integration?
The goal with Mobility data integration is to obtain a comprehensive understanding of all travel needs. By gathering data from multiple modes including public transit, cycling, walking, and micromobility, etc. can inform decisions on policies, programs, and project prioritization leading to a more efficient and strategic transportation system. Some examples of mobility data integration efforts that Mobility Services is working on are:
Denver Regional Council of Governments (DRCOG) Micromobility Data
Denver Regional Council of Governments (DRCOG) Micromobility Data
The Denver Regional Council of Governments’ regional transportation planning process is inherently multimodal in scope and cross-jurisdictional in practice. Following the quick launch of dockless bikeshare in the region, it became clear that regional collaboration was essential to a coordinated response and approach to shared micromobility. Over the past few years, with the addition of electric scooters and electric bikes to shared micromobility fleets, state lawmakers and local policymakers have been working to create a regulatory environment that both enhances safety and mobility while simultaneously upholding civic goals.