C-470: I-25 to Wadsworth Boulevard

How to Use the Express Lanes
I travel in a:

Motorcyclists can use the Express Lanes for free without a pass.

Pay a toll, either as a solo driver or as a driver and one passenger.
Corridor Basics
- Lanes are open 24/7.
- 5 miles of Express Lanes from I-25 to Wadsworth Boulevard.
- Motorcyclists can use the Express Lanes for free without a pass. All other vehicles are tolled.
- No HOV 3+ available.
- Adjustable toll pricing system used - prices depend on the time of day.
- Overhead signage indicates current toll prices. Tolls are collected through the vehicle’s ExpressToll account or License Plate Toll.
- Safety and Toll Enforcement Program in effect. Sophisticated roadside technology is used to enforce the following rule:
- No weaving across solid white lines.
- Learn more on the Express Lanes Safety and Toll Enforcement Program webpage.