Wet Weather Monitoring (WWM)
Program Description
The Wet Weather Monitoring (WWM) Program monitors and evaluates the impact of CDOT roads, maintenance facilities, and permanent water quality control measures (PWQ CMs) on water quality associated with stormwater discharges.
This program is part of CDOTs individual Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System Permit (MS4 Permit, Permit No. COS000005) and helps provide an understanding of the potential impacts of surface water that flows from roads and facilities operated and maintained by CDOT.
CDOT staff collects samples from rain and snow runoff from specific outfall locations: highway road surfaces runoff without control measures, highway road surfaces runoff with control measures, and highway maintenance facility. The data results from these samples are compiled and reported as required to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Network Discharge Monitoring Report (NetDMR).