Illicit Discharge Program

Program Description

The Illicit Discharge Program requires CDOT to implement a program to detect and remove illicit discharges and improperly disposed materials into the Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4).

CDOT detects and removes illicit discharges from its storm drain system. An illicit discharge is a discharge to CDOT's storm drain system that could cause pollution in the storm sewer system. Common pollutants include oil and grease, fertilizers and pesticides, grass clippings and leaves, sanitary sewer overflows, and any substances that have a foul odor or color.

What to Report

      Oil, gas, or unknown substances with an oil sheen entering a storm drain inlet

Oil, gas, or unknown substances with an oil sheen entering a storm drain inlet

  Soap suds or anything with color or odor exiting a storm drain pipe

Soap suds or anything with color or odor exiting a storm drain pipe

Chemicals spilled on a highway

Chemicals spilled on a highway with employees working to clean it up

Sediment or any unknown substance entering a waterway

A bright green fluid leaving a culvert outlet and entering a waterway

Be careful - many discharges are dangerous!

More information can be found in the following documents available upon request by contacting Jeremiah Unger @ [email protected].

  • Illicit Discharge Program Description Document
  • Illicit Discharge Program Manual
  • Illicit Discharge Factsheet