Water Quality

Welcome to the Water Quality Program of the Colorado Department of TransportationMP 220.53 outlet

Protecting water quality is a priority for everyone at CDOT, from headquarters to the five regional offices. The mission of CDOT's Water Quality Program is to:

  • Ensure state waters are protected while Colorado's roadways are constructed, operated, and maintained
  • Promote innovative control measures (i.e. best management practices)
  • Provide effective water quality education to CDOT staff 
  • Facilitate cooperation between CDOT, watershed groups, other Water Quality Program managers, businesses, and the public

CDOT is required to uphold water quality standards set forth by the federal Clean Water Act and Colorado’s Water Quality Control Commission regulations. CDOT is issued various water quality permits by the Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment (CDPHE) to insure the protection of water quality throughout the state.

One of the permits CDOT is required to comply with is the CDOT Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) permit (COS000005). CDOT's MS4 permit authorizes discharges from the municipal separate storm sewer system within the permit area. The permit requires CDOT to use control measures to prevent or reduce the discharge of pollutants to state waters. CDOT has seven program areas that reflect the requirements of the MS4 permit.

About the Water Quality Program

The Headquarters Water Quality Program is administered through the Environmental Programs Branch (EPB) at the Division of Transportation Development (DTD).

Each of the five regions also has water quality and environmental staff members (responsible for implementing the MS4 Program).