Colorado Carbon Reduction Strategy


The Carbon Reduction Program, established by the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA), required CDOT and the state’s MPOs to develop and submit a Carbon Reduction Strategy to FHWA by November 2023. The Carbon Reduction Program provides state Departments of Transportation (DOTs) and Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs) with funds for projects designed to reduce carbon dioxide (CO2) from on-road highway sources. Colorado is slated to receive $86 million over the next five years under the Carbon Reduction Program. The Carbon Reduction Program requires each state to develop a Carbon Reduction Strategy, in consultation with any MPOs, to support the efforts and identify projects and strategies to support the reduction of transportation emissions.

Final Carbon Reduction Strategy

Colorado’s initial Carbon Reduction Strategy maybe found here. This strategy was approved by FHWA in February 2024. Updates to the Carbon Reduction Strategy are required no less frequently than every four years.