Training Opportunities

Environmental Training Programs

Below is a current list of training courses taught and/or sponsored by CDOT Environmental Programs Branch.

Learning Lane Environmental Training

CDOT's Environmental Programs Branch sponsors training for engineers and external partners. Classes are scheduled 3-4 months in advance and on an as-needed basis, so be sure to check the registration details for any course that you are interested in taking.

Visual Resources

Visual Impact Assessment Training

For: CDOT Staff, NEPA and Landscape Architecture Consultants, FHWA Staff, and other agencies:

Following CDOT’s development of Visual Impact Assessment (VIA) Guidelines, we are offering a training program to enhance understanding and implementation of the Guidelines, including the VIA process and related NEPA requirements for CDOT projects. The goals of the training class include learning to apply the Guidelines to create effective, uniform, and consistent VIAs, with the appropriate level of visual impact assessment associated with highway projects in Colorado. Registration for the initial pilot classes is closed. Additional classes will be offered this summer with date(s) to be determined.

This VIA Training is:

  • Highly recommended for CDOT staff conducting VIA scoping and reviewing or preparing VIAs
  • Recommended for CDOT consultants conducting VIA scoping and preparing VIAs

The training includes a combination of videos plus an interactive Zoom session that is equivalent to 8 hours of total learning. 

  • 5 hours for viewing videos – You watch the videos at your convenience and at your own pace. You may pause/fast forward/rewind as needed.
  • 5 hours for reviewing other digital training materials and background information.
  • 3 hours for participating in an interactive training session on Zoom, which includes VIA exercises. Each interactive class is limited to 25 participants.

Training Sign-Up: Please email Pamela Cornelisse if you are interested in taking a VIA training.

Water Quality / Landscape Architecture

The CDOT Water Quality and Landscape Architect sections have on-going training opportunities for the following certificates:

SWMP and TECS Certification

All CDOT projects with earth disturbance require a Stormwater Management Plan (SWMP). The SWMP is a required tool for stormwater permit inspection and compliance. A CDOT SWMP is a living document consisting of a detailed plan that identifies potential stormwater pollution sources, and the practices to prevent water pollution before, during and after construction. 

CDOT SWMPs must be prepared by a CDOT-certified SWMP Administrator for Design (aka SWMP Designer) and amended during construction by a CDOT-certified Transportation Erosion Control Supervisor (TECS, aka SWMP Administrator for Construction).

Class fees are payable online with a credit card, and free of charge for CDOT personnel using a state email address. Please log on to the H2O portal to find class descriptions, schedules, and register for classes. See below for more class details and information.

 SWMP Certification Classes for SWMP Administrator of Design

The SWMP Certification is a two-day class, administered through the CDOT HQ Landscape Architecture Section, scheduled periodically throughout each year at CDOT Headquarters and Region 1 (Denver area), and state-wide in CDOT regions. This certification is available for CDOT project engineers and environmental staff, as well as consultants who prepare CDOT SWMPs. Course content includes the CDOT SWMP development process, case study exercises, inventory and analysis, SWMP templates and site map creation, stormwater quantities, specifications and details, and FIR and FOR Meetings for SWMPs. Upon successful completion of the class with an exam score of 80% or better, students will be awarded a SWMP Certificate. SWMP Certification is valid for three years, with proposed future continuing education opportunities for certificate extension.

The CDOT SWMP Certification class is free of charge to CDOT staff using a state email address to enroll and is payable online with a credit card for a fee of $225 for consultants. Please pass this announcement on to any CDOT staff or consultants who may be interested.

 SWMP Recertification Class

This 4-hour recertification class is only available for previously certified SWMP Designers and Reviewers. The class covers recent changes in permits, SWMP templates, and CDOT specifications and design tools in order to help with designing and reviewing consistent and compliant SWMPs that meet the requirements of the CDPS-SCP and MS4 Permits. Upon successful completion of the class with an exam score of 80% or better, students will be awarded a SWMP Certificate. SWMP Recertification is valid for two years. Please do not register if you are not a previously-certified SWMP Designer or Reviewer. 

The CDOT SWMP Recertification class is free of charge to CDOT staff using a state email address to enroll and is payable online with a credit card for a fee of $125 for consultants. Recertification classes are offered January - April and October - December. Keep your SWMP Certification up to date and register for the next available class before your certification expires.

Please pass this announcement on to any CDOT staff or consultants who may be interested.

Click here for the current class schedule and/or to sign up for a class.

For more information or questions about SWMP Certification, contact [email protected].

 TECS: Transportation Erosion Control Supervisor Certification Classes for SWMP Administrator of Construction

CDOT requires any individual designated as the CDOT Transportation Erosion Control Supervisor (TECS, aka SWMP Administrator for Construction) on CDOT projects to complete the TECS Certification Program, which is comprised of two, one-day courses. Per specification 208.03(c): The TECS shall be experienced in all aspects of construction and have satisfactorily completed a TECS training program authorized by the Department. This person is responsible for on-site amendment of the SWMP and inspection of contractor implementation of the SWMP during construction.

For more information or questions about TECS, contact Jason Kidston.

Click here for a list of current courses

 Control Measures Selection Class (formerly named "BMP Selection Class")

 Check back for future schedule

This class is a compliment to the SWMP Preparer Certification Class, and is offered as continuing education for SWMP Certificate holders, but SWMP Preparer Certification is not required for this class. TECS students may also be interested in attending. 

Student needs: Please bring your laptops and power cords with USB port for flash drive.

Course Instructor: TBD
Prerequisites: None

Course Description and Objectives
This course is an overview of stormwater control measures selection (formerly named BMPs) for project stormwater management plans (SWMPs), erosion control and basics of hydrology and hydraulic engineering. The course also covers the incorporation of control measure design and ongoing stormwater management into a project’s construction design and planning phase. There will be detailed discussions on the implementation of control measures during different phases of construction. Course objectives include the following:

  • Describe how to select control measures (BMPs) for project storm water management.
  • Explain how to access and mitigate construction-related erosion and sedimentation.

Class Fee:
The Project Development and Environmental Programs Branch are covering the cost of course materials; this course is FREE to all CDOT employees. However, if you register for the class and do not attend, without giving five (5) business days advance notice*, your unit will be charged a $100 fee.

Please respond via email to Pamela Cornelisse ([email protected]) if you plan to attend or have any questions.