I-70 Mountain Express Lanes

HPTE Board of Directors Approves Commercial Loan and Agreement to Fund the I-70 PPSL

On December 17th, the HPTE Board of Directors approved a $25 million 7-year commercial loan and related agreements to fill the funding gap to complete the I-70 eastbound Peak Period Shoulder Lanes. The loan has an interest rate of 2.79% and will be repaid through toll revenues. Those documents can be found in the Quick Links to the right of this page.


The project, part of CDOT’s comprehensive plan to improve travel in the I-70 Mountain Corridor, will upgrade 13-miles of Eastbound I-70 within CDOT’s existing right of way. The upgrades will create a wide shoulder that – only during peak travel periods – will operate as a third travel lane. The Express Lane will be dynamically priced to keep traffic moving. Prices will lower when CDOT wants to encourage drivers to use the lane and rise as the lane reaches capacity.
