Off-System Bridge Program
The Off-System Bridge Program primary objective is to inventory, inspect, evaluate, replace and rehabilitate major structures (i.e. major bridges and major culverts) on the public roads owned by Colorado counties and municipalities. The secondary objective is to inventory, inspect and evaluate the tunnels on public roads owned by Colorado counties and municipalities.
The Off-System Bridge Program (BRO) and the Off-System Bridge Inspection Program (BIO) are funded by the Bridge Off-System line in the annual Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) Budget. The CDOT Budget Bridge-Off System line is funded partially through a mandated federal program and partially through Transportation Commission-directed funds (i.e. other federal/state funds).
The Off-System Bridge Program (BRO) funds major structure replacement or major rehabilitation on Poor or Fair off-system structures as selected by the Special Highway Committee (SHC). An SHC selected replacement or major rehabilitation project requires a minimum 20% match from the successful Colorado county or municipal applicant.
The Off-System Bridge Inspection Program (BIO) funds major structure and tunnel inspection. CDOT Staff Bridge manages the inspection program to ensure that the Colorado county and municipality owned structures are in compliance with National Bridge Inspection Standards (NBIS) and the National Tunnel Inspection Standards (NTIS). This includes the annual National Bridge Inventory (NBI) and National Tunnel Inventory (NTI) update submittals to FHWA.
Additional details about the Off-System Bridge Program can be found in the Off-System Bridge Manual.