Walk and Bike to School Colorado!
The Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) encourages schools across Colorado to participate in Walk to School Day (October) and Bike to School Day (May) each year. Walk and Bike to School Days are great opportunities to galvanize visibility for walking and bicycling to and from school. They are wonderful times to get kids out practicing their skills and safety rules and for parents and caregivers to experience how safe and fun it is for their child(ren) to walk and bike to and from school.
October is Colorado Pedestrian Month, making any day in 'Walktober' a great choice for promoting walking and walkability. Since 1997, communities have been gathering to celebrate the many benefits of walking safely to and from school. There is always an internationally promoted date, typically the first Wednesday in October.
May is National Bike Month (although Colorado celebrates it in June) and a great way for kids to end the year and head off to a summer of bicycling fun. Since Colorado began promoting the then newly created Bike to School Day in 2013, participation has steadily grown.
Exciting news! Walk and Roll to School Day 2025 happens to coincide with the 20th anniversary of Safe Routes to School! We have a couple of fun projects in the works to celebrate. Most of all, though, we want to highlight your initiatives! Please share your plans with us; we'd love to see your photos, hear your stories, and highlight your communities.
Always register for Walk to School Day and Bike to School Day celebrations at WalkBiketoSchool.org, regardless of when you hold your festivities. There you will find many ideas and tips for promoting healthy activity and safe routes to school. Know, there is no one-size-fits-all way to celebrate. Events come in all sizes; the important thing is that they resonate with what families, schools, and communities care about, from encouraging physical activity and building community to highlighting the need for improved infrastructure. Walking school buses are a great opportunity for students to travel as a group, with pickup points that welcome those who live too far from home to get to school purely on foot. Always, keep safety at the core, and have fun!
Free Materials
It was our pleasure to offer free stickers and bookmarks for Walk and Roll to School Day this year! We had a tremendous response. If you were not able to make your requests in time but would like to be notified the next time materials are offered for free distribution, please email [email protected].
Downloadable Materials
Walk and Roll Day customizable poster, English version
Walk and Roll Day customizable poster, Spanish version
Futures in Motion Banner (36 X 12)
Donation Request Guide
Customizable Donation Committee Letter Template
Donation Gift Certificate Template Suggestions
Customizable Donor Thank you Template
Customizable Tax Deductible Letter Template
The first National Bike to School Day took place on May 9, 2012, in coordination with the League of American Bicyclists' National Bike Month. This special day has steadily grown in popularity, and is a perfect opportunity to celebrate biking and rolling in advance of Colorado Bike Month in June. In 2024, there were 114 registered Colorado Bike to School Day events, ranking us 7th in the nation among participating states. Let's top that number for this year's Bike and Roll Day, scheduled for May 7, 2025!
All across Colorado and the nation, schools, neighborhoods, and families are stepping up to support safe, active transportation. Check out this blog post from Bicycle Colorado for more inspiration on ways communities celebrated and promoted bicycling Bike to School Day and beyond. Want to implement a community bike to school program? Get started with step-by-step instructions from our Safe Routes to School Bike Train resource from the Safe Routes Partnership. Ride on, Colorado!
Please register your events, regardless of whether or not they will take place on the scheduled day, at walkbiketoschool.org . Here you can also find a wide range of fun downloadable activities.
This year, it is our pleasure to offer free stickers on a first-come, first-serve basis. To request yours,
please email [email protected] by no later than 4 pm on Friday, April 4th, with the following information:
-Contact name
-School/district served
-Physical Mailing Address (no P.O. Boxes, please)
-Number of stickers requested
Please note, we are unable to accept any late requests! You don’t have to be organized with your plans to order—you may make use of these dynamic designs throughout the year. We will also have free downloadable materials, including Bike and Roll Day 2025 posters, available below. Keep us posted on your events! We love to highlight our communities!
Downloadable Materials
Bike and Roll to School Day customizable poster, English version
Bike and Roll to School Day customizable poster, Spanish version
Futures in Motion Banner (36 X 12)
Donation Request Guide
Customizable Donation Committee Letter Template
Donation Gift Certificate Template Suggestions
Customizable Donor Thank you Template
Customizable Tax Deductible Letter Template