High Demand Bicycle Corridors

High Demand Bicycle Corridors Map

CDOT has developed a listing of High Demand Bicycle Corridors. These corridors are identified to help in the decision making process of allocating resources to improve bicycling throughout the state. These corridors were selected based on bicycle levels of use, connectivity to the transportation network, crash rates, and bicycle level of stress.

While this program is still a work in progress, the corridors are identified in four different tiers. Tiers 1 and 2 are given priority at this time. As those corridors are improved, then Tiers 3 and 4 will be given priority.

By clicking on the map below, you will be routed to an interactive map that provides details about each corridor. Explore the map and learn specifics about each corridor.

High Demand Bicycle Corridors Interactive Map

If you have questions, please email Annelies van Vonno at annelies.vanvonno@state.co.us.