2012 Statewide Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan

Plan Overview

Statewide Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan cover image

In October 2012, CDOT adopted its first-ever Statewide Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan. Bicycling and walking activity in Colorado benefits the state and its citizens in many ways, and the plan provides a foundation for CDOT and their regional and local planning partners to prioritize bicycle and pedestrian projects and programs for funding and implementation.


“The Colorado Department of Transportation intends to increase bicycling and walking activity levels, for both transportation and recreational purposes, through both infrastructure projects and promotional programs, to help achieve the broadly established and supported economic, public health, environmental, and quality of life benefits.”

Goals and Investment Decision Criteria

The Statewide Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan is based on broadly supported statewide goals listed below that can be achieved in part through more bicycling and walking, particularly for transportation.

Enhance Safety

  • Reduce crash rate or potential threat of crashes

Increase Bicycling and Walking Activity

  • Improve (corridor) bicycling or walking conditions
  • Expand permanent data collection infrastructure

Expand Recreational Opportunities and Enhance Quality of Life

  • Enhance Scenic Byways
  • Create access to public lands
  • Provide multi-use pathways near populations
  • Preserve and enhance downtown character

Improve Public Health

  • Reduce disease/obesity in children, adults, and seniors

Improve Environment, Air Quality, and Fossil Fuel Independence

  • Reduce carbon-based vehicle miles traveled through increased bicycling and walking

Provide Transportation Equity

  • Provide mobility options to underserved populations
  • Provide safe active transportation to schools and learning centers
  • Provide pedestrian mobility for seniors and disabled populations

Maximize Transportation Investments

  • Complete or connect network or system
  • Reduce motor vehicle traffic congestion
  • Enhance multimodal efficiency (expand utility of public transportation)

Improve State/Regional Economy

  • Provide better access to jobs
  • Bolster tourism
  • Induce mode shift to bicycling, walking, and transit = more household disposable income

Read the Full 2012 Statewide Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan

The plan is currently being remediated for accessibility to ensure equitable access for all. The accessible version will be posted here when available.