Bicycle & Pedestrian Counts

Program Overview

Highway systems across the nation move trillions of vehicle-miles of traffic each year. Traffic counting programs have been around for decades which allow us to compute such statistics. This information is used to inform decisions surrounding planning, engineering, and operations. However, much less is known about the non-motorized travel habits of bicyclists and pedestrians. A lack of information leaves organizations such as CDOT to make decisions surrounding multi-modal transportation without the complete picture.

To address such data shortfalls, CDOT has instituted a program to collect bicycle and pedestrian data volume. On this page you will find information regarding non-motorized counting technology, count information and analysis, and CDOT's Non-Motorized Monitoring Program's Evaluation and Strategic Plan.

Bike and pedestrian counter map

Bicycle and Pedestrian Count Data

Bicycle & Pedestrian Count Plans and Resources

CDOT's Non-Motorized Monitoring Strategic PlanIn 2016 CDOT completed a strategic plan to ensure that the non-motorized data collected is meeting the needs of stakeholders, as well as collecting and managing data efficiently. 

Pedestrian & Bicycle Counting Toolkit - For more information on bicycle and pedestrian counting technologies