2020 Colorado Aviation System Plan
Plan Overview
Colorado’s thriving economy, world-class winter sports, and pristine outdoors serve as a magnet for residents, visitors, and businesses alike. The unique composition of industries and activities found in the Centennial State is supported by public-use airports that serve everything from tourism to shipping, emergency response, manufacturing, and many other purposes. The Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) Division of Aeronautics recognizes the importance of planning, maintaining, and developing an aviation system to adequately serve these critical elements of the state’s economy and infrastructure. At the core of its mission, CDOT Division of Aeronautics is dedicated to providing a safe, efficient, and effective statewide aviation system.
While there are over 400 airport facilities in Colorado, only the 74 public-use facilities were considered for inclusion in the 2020 CASP. Eight of the privately-owned, public-use airports were not included as they do not meet funding eligibility requirements. As such, the 2020 CASP consists of 66 public-use airports, with all but one airport being publicly-owned.
System Process
The 2020 CASP study process utilized 10 critical tasks to establish goals, take stock of existing conditions, and develop recommendations that drive the system’s ability to meet current and future needs in an ever-changing aviation environment. The findings of these tasks culminate into a series of deliverables that communicate the results of the CASP to airports, aviation stakeholders, and the general public.
The Project Advisory Committee (PAC) helped guide the system plan by contributing industry and region-specific insight into the future of Colorado aviation. The PAC was composed of stakeholders from across the state with a broad range of knowledge and experience in airports, aviation, and other statewide issues that impact the airport system.