Business Opportunities

Placing new girders for the construction of a new bridge structure

The Bridge and Tunnel Enterprise is a government-owned business within CDOT with the purpose of financing, repairing, reconstructing and replacing any bridges within the state that are designated bridges as defined by SB-09-108 and repairing, maintaining, and more safely operating tunnels.

With a growing list of designated bridges to address as old bridges continue to deteriorate, meeting this goal requires a substantial investment and creates opportunities for Colorado businesses now.

Requests for proposals (RFP) will be posted on CDOT's Business Office website as they become available. This site provides access to information on upcoming highway construction bids, links for upcoming roadway design projects, documents needed to participate in the selection process, and consultant selection results.

View a list of Bridge and Tunnel Enterprise projects currently out for bid, with a list of registered plan holders. BTE projects are as assigned the prefix "FBR."