CO 67 Woodland Park widening & accessibility improvements project

Travel Advisory

March 3, 2025 - Southeastern Colorado - Work will begin March 10

Teller County — Starting on March 10, the Colorado Department of Transportation will begin widening and making safety and traffic flow improvements to a section of Colorado Highway 67 in Woodland Park. The goal of this project is to improve capacity, safety and mobility to support increased tourist traffic and multimodal demands. Capital Paving & Construction is the prime contractor for the project.

The primary scope of work includes widening CO 67 from County Road/Evergreen Heights Drive to West Kelley’s Road from two to four lanes with a shared middle turn lane. Other work includes building raised medians near major intersections, installing new pedestrian facilities, adding signal heads to West Kelley’s Road and making drainage improvements. When complete, this section of the highway will be better able to accommodate significant traffic surges, especially during the summer months.

The project is located on CO 67 in the City of Woodland Park in Teller County. The project limits extend from the junction of CO 67 and US Highway 24 from Mile Point 76.92 to MP 79.21. The widening on CO 67 will be between County Road/Evergreen Heights Drive (MP 77.50) and West Kelley’s Road (MP 78.21).

“This traffic and safety improvement project will ensure motorists can move safely and reliably travel through this area for years to come,” said CDOT Regional Transportation Director Shane Ferguson. “The addition of a turn lane will allow vehicles to slow down and turn without affecting the flow of through traffic. This will greatly reduce the risk of rear-end crashes.”

Traffic Impacts

Beginning March 10, motorists will encounter road work on CO 67 in Woodland Park. Traffic impacts will include:

  • Working hours will be split between daytime (7 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday to Friday) and overnight (7 p.m. to 6 a.m.) Sunday to Thursday
  • Single lane closures in both directions of CO 67 from the US 24 junction to County Road/Evergreen Heights Drive will be in place Sunday to Saturday
  • Single overnight lane closures will exist in both directions of CO 67 between County Road/Evergreen Heights Drive and 900 feet north of West Kelley’s Road, Sunday to Thursday and will be managed by flaggers
  • Overnight single lane closures can also be expected in both directions of US 24 at the approaches to the work zone, managed by flagger operations
  • A full closure of Stone Ridge Drive at Ptarmigan Drive may occur during certain work activities, with detour signs from Millstone Lane to Research Drive posted
  • Traffic shifts and delays can be expected
  • Reduced entrances at side streets, area communities and businesses with access maintained
  • Uniformed traffic control personnel and/or flaggers onsite during certain work activities
  • Speeds will be reduced to 35 mph in the work zone
  • A 10-foot width restriction will be in place throughout the work zone
  • Some overnight and weekend work is expected
  • Expected completion is late September
Map of the CO Highway 67 Woodland Park widening project. Map indicates work zone on CO 67 in red and advanced warning and approaches to work zone in yellow on US Highway 24 and CO 67.
Map of the CO Highway 67 Woodland Park widening project. Map indicates work zone on CO 67 in red and advanced warning and approaches to work zone in yellow on US Highway 24 and CO 67.

Project Information

For additional information about this project:

Know Before You Go

Travelers are urged to “know before you go.” Gather information about weather forecasts and anticipated travel impacts and current road conditions prior to hitting the road. CDOT resources include:

Remember: Slow For The Cone Zone

The following tips are to help you stay safe while traveling through maintenance and construction work zones.

  • Do not speed in work zones. Obey the posted speed limits.
  • Stay Alert! Expect the unexpected.
  • Watch for workers. Drive with caution.
  • Don't change lanes unnecessarily.
  • Avoid using mobile devices such as phones while driving in work zones.
  • Turn on headlights so that workers and other drivers can see you.
  • Be especially alert at night while driving in work zones.
  • Expect delays, especially during peak travel times.
  • Allow ample space between you and the car in front of you.
  • Anticipate lane shifts and merge when directed to do so.
  • Be patient!

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