Treacherous conditions remain on I-70 Mountain Corridor for Presidents’ Day traffic

Travel Advisory

Feb. 17, 2025 - Colorado - CDOT maintenance teams perform critical winter safety operations beginning at 9 a.m. tomorrow

Eagle County — Travelers on Interstate 70 are urged to be prepared for continued severe weather and treacherous driving conditions today. Motorists will encounter slick, ice and snow packed roads. Additionally, heavy snows and strong winds will bring low visibility and potential white out conditions at times.

The severe weather and roadway conditions have caused numerous closures. Some closures have been implemented for safety, but several closures have been the result of vehicle spin-outs, slide-offs and crashes.

Two-car collision during snowy condition. Crash image captured from Monday, Feb. 16, I-70 westbound closure near Empire Junction/ Exit 232 and Georgetown/ Exit 228.
Rear view of a two-car collision during snowy condition. Crash image captured from Monday, Feb. 16, I-70 westbound closure near Empire Junction/ Exit 232 and Georgetown/ Exit 228.

A white sports utility vehicle with dented rear crashed into a guardrail. Crash image captured from Monday, Feb. 16, I-70 westbound closure near Empire Junction/ Exit 232 and Georgetown/ Exit 228.
A crash involving a white truck hauling a multi-horse transporter. Crash image captured from Monday, Feb. 16, I-70 westbound closure near Empire Junction/ Exit 232 and Georgetown/ Exit 228.

A tow truck parked on the side road with its bed covered in snow. Image captured from Monday, Feb. 16, I-70 westbound closure near Empire Junction/ Exit 232 and Georgetown/ Exit 228.
Front view of a two-car collision showing a detached front grill and bumper. Crash image captured from Monday, Feb. 16, I-70 westbound closure near Empire Junction/ Exit 232 and Georgetown/ Exit 228.

CDOT photos above: Crash images captured from Monday’s I-70 westbound closure near Empire Junction/ Exit 232 and Georgetown/ Exit 228.

Natural avalanches have also been visible in the mountains today. While a video captured earlier today by the Colorado Avalanche Information Center (CAIC) showed an avalanche that did not reach the roadway of I-70 through Ten Mile Canyon, the danger of additional slides remains high. In addition, CDOT and CAIC teams saw results of slide control work on Berthoud Pass early this morning, after avalanche mitigation debris did reach the roadway. US 40 required clean-up and re-opened safely to vehicles.

Visitors to the high country who plan to return to the Front Range should prepare for a difficult trip. Travelers should keep extra food, water, and warm clothing readily available and be prepared for lengthy delays in severe weather conditions. will continue to show current road and weather conditions, as well as any road closures. Even so, the extreme weather conditions may cause additional incidents on the road as people try to return from the mountains while the storm continues to deliver heavy snowfall and high winds.

I-70 Vail Pass Closure Tuesday Morning

The Colorado Department of Transportation will perform winter maintenance operations on Interstate 70 Vail Pass tomorrow, Tuesday, Feb. 18. Operations will begin at 9 a.m. and motorists can expect a lengthy delay lasting for much of the morning. There is not an exact time estimated for opening, as operations are dependent upon weather conditions and the amount of snow crews must clear from the roadway.

Traffic Impacts and Closure Points

  • Eastbound travelers will be stopped three miles east of Vail at Exit 180. This closure point allows motorists to switch travel directions and turn westbound back toward Vail
  • Eastbound commercial traffic is urged to stop and wait at the Dotsero CMV parking lot, Exit 133
  • Westbound travelers will be stopped at Exit 195 near Copper Mountain

Motorists should plan ahead, allow for extra travel time, or arrive and drive through the closure points before the designated closure time of 9 a.m.

Visit for the latest information on road closures and conditions.

Visit the Colorado Avalanche Information Center’s website,, for avalanche forecasts.

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