CDOT announces winner of distracted driving video contest for high school students
News Release
Statewide — The Colorado Department of Transportation announced the winner of its distracted driving video contest during an event on Thursday, May 18. The contest, which launched in February, invited Colorado high school students to create a public service announcement to help prevent distracted driving among teens. Students and their families joined CDOT at a local video production studio, to debut the winning PSAs and celebrate the students who created them.
“We are extremely proud of all the excellent video submissions we received,” said CDOT’s Office of Transportation Safety Director Darrell Lingk. “Students showed their artistic videography skills while enforcing the message that traffic safety truly is in your hands. Getting behind the wheel distracted increases the chances you won’t make it home safely. These students did a great job demonstrating the seriousness of the issue and helping raise awareness.”
The top video came from Kaileen Rudolph, a freshman at Greeley West High School who saw the contest as an opportunity to use her videography skills to address a critical safety issue facing them and their peers. Students showed their dedication to dropping the distraction by submitting their PSA videos, demonstrating a passion for good that will help shape the future of Colorado's roads.
“My family is lucky to never have been impacted by distracted driving, but it’s something I see far too often and hear about at school,” said Rudolph. “It’s important to be cautious and put your phone on Do Not Disturb mode.”

The winning contestant was awarded $2,000. Funds were provided by a grant from the Governor’s Highway Safety Office and General Motors. All finalists were given a behind-the-scenes tour of Lumenati Productions in Denver, a studio specializing in video production and direction. The winning PSAs will also be featured in CDOT’s distracted driving campaign, airing in ads for audiences across the state.
Since 2019 there has been a 37% increase in deadly crashes involving drivers under the age of 21 in Colorado.
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Crash Not Accident
Note to reporters: Crashes are no accident — they are preventable. We would appreciate you saying 'crash' instead of 'accident' when reporting.