CDOT to begin resurfacing 10 miles of US 385 north of Holyoke and other safety and accessibility improvements along the corridor on April 10
Project Announcement
Holyoke - Starting on April 10, the Colorado Department of Transportation will begin an infrastructure and accessibility upgrade project along a 10-mile stretch of US Highway 385 north of Holyoke.
This state and federally funded project is part of CDOT’s 10-year plan to restore the two-lane highway to optimal driving condition and make safety improvements, and add ADA curb ramps at various intersections in downtown Holyoke to improve accessibility for all pedestrians.
The rehabilitation of this section of US 385 will consist of subbase excavation, milling, base course and asphalt overlay. Other planned work along the corridor includes widening shoulder areas, adding culvert extensions to enhance storm drainage, and installing striping, signs, and delineators for improved driver safety. Simon Contractors of Cheyenne, Wyo., has been selected as the prime contractor for the project.
Work will begin with the installation of new ADA curb ramps at 16 intersections along a section of US 385 and US 6, with an expected completion of early July. The new curb ramps will be sloped for easier access, finished with a slip resistant surface, and will include other features to meet ADA guidelines.

The resurfacing work on US 385 will begin in late July/early August to minimize any impacts to area events. The project has an anticipated completion date of late October.
The project is located on US 385 from Mile Point 278.43 to MP 289, just over a 10-mile stretch of two-lane highway extending north of Holyoke in Phillips County. Work will be performed during daylight hours Monday to Friday with some weekend work expected.
Travel & Pedestrian Impacts
Motorists and pedestrians can expect the following during various phases of work:
- Sidewalk closures will exist during curb ramp work, with pedestrian detour routes in place
- Access to businesses and residences will be maintained
- Alternating single lane closures will be in place in both directions of US 385 during the resurfacing phase
- Pilot cars will be present to direct alternating traffic flows during single lane alignments
- Motorists can expect delays up to 10 minutes during alternating traffic holds
- A width restriction of 12 feet will exist during the resurfacing work
- Construction devices, reflective cones and signs will exist to maintain safety
- All construction schedules are weather dependent and subject to change
- Lane closures and other traffic notices are posted weekly on
Project Contact Information
For additional information about this project, please refer to the following.
- Project hotline: 970-451-6049
- Project email: [email protected]
- Project web page: