Overnight closures on southbound and northbound I-25 off-ramps at CO 119 in Firestone March 21 - 23
Travel Advisory
Weld County – Tuesday through Thursday, March 21 - 23, 2023, the Colorado Department of Transportation will have temporary closures that impact the I-25 southbound and northbound off-ramps at Exit 240, at CO 119 and southbound I-25 main line.
Project Schedule
Tuesday through Thursday, March 21 - 23, from 7 p.m. to 5 a.m. construction crews will be realigning the southbound and northbound off-ramps as a part of the Firestone-Longmont Mobility Hub project.
Tuesday, March 21: Northbound I-25
- 7 p.m. to 5 a.m. - Off-ramp at Exit 240, at CO 119 will be closed for building embankment on the left side of gore area
- 9 p.m. to 5 a.m. - Right lane of I-25 will be closed from MP 239-241 for barrier setting on the right shoulder
Wednesday, March 22: Northbound I-25
- 7 p.m. to 5 a.m. - Off-ramp at Exit 240, at CO 119 closed for paving, striping and barrier setting
- 9 p.m. to 5 a.m. - Right lane of I-25 will be closed from MP 239-241 for barrier setting on the right shoulder
Detour Routes
Northbound motorists will go north beyond Exit 240 to Exit 243, CO 66 Longmont/Lyons take the off-ramp to westbound CO 66 and use the southbound I-25 on-ramp to rejoin I-25 southbound, at Exit 240 southbound to rejoin CO 119.

Thursday, March 23: Southbound I-25
- 7 p.m. to 5 a.m. - Off-ramp at Exit 240, at CO 119 closed for striping for realignment and barrier setting
- 9 p.m. to 5 a.m. - Right lane of I-25 will be closed from MP 242 – 239.5. Expect lane closures and lane shifts
Southbound motorists will go south beyond Exit 240 to Exit 235, CO 52 Dacono/Fort Lupton - take the off-ramp to eastbound CO 52 and use the northbound I-25 on-ramp to access I-25 northbound, At Exit 240 rejoin CO 119.

Be advised the construction zone speed limit on I-25 is 55 mph through the work zone. Please obey speed limit signs. The construction schedule is weather dependent and subject to change. Please check COtrip.org for current travel information.
Project Information
Contact the project team with questions or concerns or if you would like to receive construction updates.
- Project webpage: codot.gov/projects/firestonelongmontmobilityhub
- Project information hotline: 970-422-4201
- Project email: [email protected]