I-25 North Express Lanes: WCR 46 temporary full closure under I-25 planned for April 5-7
Project Update
Larimer and Weld County — Starting Wednesday, April 5, at 7 a.m. through Friday, April 7, at 5 p.m., the Colorado Department of Transportation and the I-25 North Express Lanes Project will temporarily close Weld County Road 46 under I-25 to allow crews to trench across the roadway for utility line installation. This temporary full closure will decrease the duration of traffic impacts and increase safety for the traveling public and crews. Please follow posted signage in the area for detours.
Westbound WCR 46 traffic will take Colorado Boulevard south to Weld County Road 44/Colorado Highway 56 or north to Colorado Highway 60. Traffic will turn west to Weld County Road 7, where they will continue and rejoin WCR 46.
Eastbound WCR 46 traffic will take WCR 7 south to WCR 44/CO 56 or north to CO 60. Traffic will turn east to Colorado Boulevard, where they will continue and rejoin WCR 46.
Construction is weather-dependent and subject to change.

Please visit codot.gov/projects/north-i-25, for the most current travel updates. The I-25 North Express Lanes Project: Berthoud to Johnstown section will increase highway capacity by adding an Express Lane in each direction, rebuild interchanges, replace aging bridges, straighten highway curves to improve safety, make major utility and drainage improvements, and add carpool and transit facilities. During construction on the I-25 North Express Lanes Project, motorists should expect speed reductions to 65 mph, minor lane shifts, temporary concrete barriers and median bridge work. Motorists should also expect delays during the scheduled work hours. Construction on the Berthoud to Johnstown segment is expected to be complete in 2023.
Project Information
Project phone - 720-593-1996
Project email – [email protected]
Project website - codot.gov/projects/north-i25
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