CDOT and elected officials celebrate the beginning of the I-70 over 32nd Avenue bridge replacement project
News Release
Jefferson County— Today CDOT celebrated the beginning of the I-70 over 32nd Avenue bridge replacement project. CDOT Executive Director Shoshana Lew and the bridge replacement project team were joined by Congressman Ed Perlmutter, Jefferson County Commissioner Lesley Dahlkemper, and Wheat Ridge Mayor Bud Starker for the occasion.

The I-70 over 32nd Avenue bridge replacement project is an important, state-funded infrastructure upgrade project which aligns with CDOT’s 10-year plan commitment to replace aged bridges throughout the region and state. This bridge replacement project will improve safety to support increased traffic on the I-70 corridor. The project also marks the beginning of more bridge replacements to come in the Denver Metro Area, including the replacement of the I-70 over Harlan Street bridges which will start this summer and the beginning of the design of other bridge replacement projects such as I-70 over Ward Road.
"Throughout our 10-year planning process, CDOT identified bridges in need of replacement and together with local communities we’ve worked hard at a state level to find funding for projects like this one," said CDOT Executive Director Shoshana Lew. "This project is the first of more to come to bring the bridges along this section of I-70 up to today’s standards. We thank our federal government partners for their advocacy to garner more funding for future bridge replacement projects, which complements the funding we've identified at a state level through SB 260."
“This project marks the beginning of replacing our aging bridges and addressing other infrastructure needs throughout the Denver Metro region and Colorado. These projects are critical to ensure drivers and pedestrians are safe, relieve congestion, and ensure our state remains the best place to live, work and recreate,” said Congressman Ed Perlmutter. “The bipartisan infrastructure bill passed by Congress at the end of last year will enable similar projects to break ground in the coming months. Thank you to Director Lew and the team at CDOT for their work on these important projects.”
“This project will help improve both the safety and mobility for Jefferson County residents, as well as all Coloradans using this highly traveled stretch of I-70,” said Jefferson County Commissioner Lesley Dahlkemper, “Additionally, this is an example of your taxpayer dollars hard at work. We’re putting them to good use in terms of upgrading our infrastructure and our transportation systems.”
“This I-70 and 32nd Avenue bridge replacement project is great for our city, great for our county and great for our state. In Wheat Ridge, we have been working hard to improve this major gateway to our City,” said Wheat Ridge Mayor Bud Starker. “This bridge replacement is important, and we are using this opportunity to further invest an additional $5 million in this area by adding bike and pedestrian facilities and landscaping enhancements to the bridge, underpass, and the Youngfield/I-70 corridor. We look forward to seeing this become a more effective, safe and multimodal entrance to our City.”
Built in 1968 when this portion of I-70 was being constructed, the bridges at I-70 over 32nd Avenue have undergone frequent maintenance and repair work and have exceeded their 50-year lifespan, resulting in this replacement project. The new bridges will have a 75-year lifespan which will lead to fewer maintenance visits and associated lane closures to conduct repairs.
The project includes removal and replacement of both the eastbound and westbound I-70 bridges over 32nd Avenue. The new structures will also have wider shoulders for increased safety. Construction of the new shoulders will be accomplished by filling in the open space between the westbound and eastbound bridges. Finally, the bridge guardrail will be upgraded to meet current safety standards.
Work will be performed in five phases and is expected to last until late fall 2023. The first phase of the project will last until early spring 2022, and entails realigning this section of I-70, minor bridge demolition work, and utility relocations. The remaining phases will comprise the bulk of the work including constructing the median portion of the new westbound I-70 bridge, installing detour pavement, and removing and replacing both bridges.
The project work zone is located on westbound and eastbound I-70 at the approaches to 32nd Avenue (Exit 264) for half a mile from Mile Point 264.15 to MP 264.65. Work will also take place on a section of 32nd Avenue from underneath the bridges to the on and off ramps to I-70.
Aerial and ground-level views of the bridges at I-70 over 32nd Avenue in Wheat Ridge. The open space seen between the westbound and eastbound bridges will be filled in to create wider shoulders for safety.
Travel Impacts
Motorists can expect:
- Traffic shifts and narrowed lanes will be in place. Three lanes of traffic will be maintained during daytime hours, but the lanes will be narrower due to the traffic shifts
- Reduced speeds will be in place in both directions of the I-70 work zone at Exit 264 from project kickoff through completion
- Single or double lane closures will occur on I-70 during overnight, non-peak travel hours
- 24/7 single lane reductions will be in place in both directions on 32nd Avenue under the bridges. These are expected to begin in early spring 2022 and last for the duration of the project
- Full overnight closures of 32nd Avenue under the bridges will occur during bridge demolition work. A detour will be in place during those overnight closures.
- Motorists should plan for delays and exercise caution through the work zone.
Project Contact Information
For additional information about this project, contact the project team.
- Project hotline: 303-960-2825
- Sign up for text alerts: Text bridges to 8886650058
- Project email: [email protected]
- Project web page: