CDOT extends public comment period for proposed transportation air pollution reduction planning standards
News Release
Denver - Coloradans will have additional time to weigh in on proposed bold new transportation pollution reduction planning standards that will reduce pollution and greenhouse gas emissions from the transportation sector, improve air quality, reduce smog and provide more travel options for Coloradans. CDOT is extending the original 60-day comment period an additional 34 days to allow for additional feedback regarding these draft standards. Throughout this period, the department has hosted nine public hearings across the state, with additional opportunities to submit testimony virtually or in written submissions.
Next week, CDOT plans to release a revised proposal that incorporates the feedback received so far in the process. The extended comment period will run until Nov. 18, 2021 at noon.
The Transportation Commission is now expected to consider the proposed standard at their December meeting, and if adopted at that time, the standard will formally take effect per the Administrative Procedure Act early next year.
For more information, access all of CDOT’s information on the pollution reduction standard at the department’s Proposed Rules webpage.