CDOT Reminds Motorists that The Heat Is On this Summer

News Release

June 10, 2021 - Statewide News - 407 impaired drivers cited during last year’s Summer Blitz DUI enforcement period

The first official day of summer is almost here and heat is in the forecast. Starting Friday, June 11, 2021, the Colorado Department of Transportation, Colorado State Patrol and local law enforcement agencies will unite for Summer Blitz DUI Enforcement with the goal of removing impaired drivers from the road. Increased law enforcement will be in effect through Monday, June 21. Last year, 407 impaired drivers were arrested during the same enforcement period.  

There were 20 impaired-driving fatalities in Colorado last June. So far this year, 69 traffic fatalities statewide have involved an impaired driver, which is 31% of all traffic deaths.

“Summer is the season for barbeques, camping, and family vacation. It's also the time when we see a rise in impaired drivers,” said Chief Matthew C. Packard, Colorado State Patrol. “Don't let your good time turn into dangerous, risk-taking behaviors. Make sure that you are sober, distraction-free, and buckled up every time you get behind the wheel.”

During the recent Memorial Day DUI enforcement, 209 impaired drivers were arrested. This is a decrease from last year’s 232 arrests during the same enforcement period. The Colorado Springs Police Department (24 arrests), Denver Police Department (18 arrests), and the El Paso County’s Sheriff’s Office (16 arrests) recorded the highest number of arrests during the enforcement. The Colorado State Patrol made 18 arrests.

“We want Colorado residents and visitors to travel safely and arrive at their summer destinations without incident,” said CDOT’s Office of Transportation Safety Director Darrell Lingk. “Impaired drivers pose an entirely preventable threat to our transportation system. This makes DUI enforcement and education truly critical as we aim to reduce deaths, injuries and crashes on Colorado roads.” 

For yearly impaired-driving crash and fatality data in Colorado, visit Information about DUI laws in Colorado can be found at