Full closure on US 285 over South Fork of South Platte bridge replacement postponed

Travel Advisory

August 2, 2021 - Southeastern Colorado

Park County — Due to the extended closure of I-70, through Glenwood Canyon, CDOT will postpone the planned closure of US 285 between Fairplay and Antero Junction. It is not yet determined the length of the postponement and will depend on the duration of the I-70 Glenwood Canyon closure. CDOT will provide a minimum of one week notification to the public once the new closure date is determined.  

“CDOT and our partners are working to improve travel across the state as we deal with the unprecedented closure of I-70,” explained CDOT Regional Transportation Director, Richard Zamora. “We are attempting to relieve potential pinch points on alternate routes throughout the state. We’d like to thank motorists for their patience and we ask that everyone make safe choices behind the wheel, as travel times are anticipated to be lengthy.”

The Colorado Department of Transportation has a planned closure of US 285 over South Fork of South Platte at MP 172.2 to MP 172.5 than was anticipated to begin today. Once the closure begins, access to all local roadways will be maintained during the closure. The off-site detour will utilize CO 9 and US 24. The project, located in Park County, has multiple locations, US 285 at MP 172.2 to 173.5, CO 9 at MP 63, and US 24 at MP 47.5. Zak Dirt Inc. has been selected as the contractor for this project. Work is expected to be completed in the fall, weather permitting.

Work will require a three month full closure on US 285 with an offsite detour utilizing CO 9 and US 24. Work will include rebuilding the approaches to the bridge and replacing the guardrail. Work will also include wetland mitigation and a stream diversion utilized to complete the bridge work. The project will consist of one bridge replacement, bridge rail and guardrail replacement and roadway reconstruction for the bridge approach. This project will benefit motorists by making the bridge safer and improving the driving experience. 

Travel Impacts 

Travelers will encounter a full road closure of US 285 at MP 172.2 to MP 172.5 beginning July 26 and continuing through October. Access to all local roadways will be maintained during the closure. Travelers will utilize the offsite detour on CO 9 and US 24. 

Single lane closures and shoulder closures will be in effect at CO 9 at MP 47.57 to MP 47.65, as well as on CO 9 at MP 63.66 to MP 63.73. Motorists are urged to use caution and watch for heavy equipment. At times, through lanes and turn lanes may be temporarily closed to traffic causing brief travel delays. Any temporary closures are to ensure the safety of the workers and the traveling public. Motorists should slow down, drive with caution and give themselves extra travel time.

Stay Informed 

For additional information about this project, contact the project team. 

Travelers are urged to “know before you go.” Gather information about weather forecasts, anticipated travel impacts and current road conditions prior to hitting the road. CDOT resources include:

Notice to Commercial Truckers and Through Travelers on US 50

West bound commercial truck drivers and other travelers should be aware of major closures due to the US 50 Little Blue Creek Canyon project, located west of Gunnison. Travel time between Sargents and the Little Blue Creek Canyon closure point is approximately 1.5 hours. Travelers are urged to plan ahead. Visit the project website for more information about the US 50 Little Blue Creek Canyon Project: us50info.com.